Chautauqua Works knows how difficult it is to find and identify qualified employees. We offer a combination of services to fit your hiring needs. 

Post Your Job(s) - Advertise your job vacancies for FREE on New York State Job Bank   as well as with job seekers and partners throughout western NY and our region including Pennsylvania. To submit your job posting, choose from our options for Submitting a Job Posting

Application Intake- You can have Chautauqua Works listed as the contact point in your job postings so that the applicant traffic is handled at our site instead of dealing with disruptions at your place of business. We can have applicants submit resumes and cover letters and/or fill out applications at our location. You will have the option of using your company application or a generic application provided by Chautauqua Works. We will also verify the identity of the applicants to ensure the applicant is the one completing the application. 

Pre-Screen Candidates- You define the criteria (e.g. education level, work experience, work continuity, etc.) and we will screen the applications and/or resumes against those specific criteria. All applications will be bundled and recorded on an excel spreadsheet in accordance with the criteria score each candidate received. 

Interview Space- If your office space is limited or you simply want privacy to interview candidates, we have interview space available at no charge to you.

Targeted or General Job Fair- If you need a large number of employees at once or assistance in increasing the diversity of your hiring pool, we offer planning assistance and coordination for your hiring events.

The Chautauqua Advacement Project - This is an innovative internship program that aims to attract and retain young professionals in our area. Looking for new talent to fill an open position? Try hiring through the Chautauqua Advacement Project!

Hire From Untapped Sources - Chautauqua Works provides you with access to workers who have been trained in the skills that are in demand in Chautauqua County. When you use the American Job Center, you can be assured of finding qualified workers, many of whom are available from sources you may not have previously tapped such as candidates referred from our Partners.

Search and View Resumes- through the New York State Job Bank  .

Hiring Incentives:  Various wage reimbursment and employment tax credits are available.

For more information on hiring and recruiting, contact the New York State Job Bank .

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There are several website that can help you find specific work. Click here for a list of some of the most popular ones.

Job Seach Sites

NYS Department of Labor

Search the New York State Job Bank for current openings in Chautauqua County and surrounding areas.

NYS Job Bank