People with Disabilities

Do you have an opening?  A person with a disability may be the answer!  Businesses benefit by hiring people with disabilities because:

  • it meets the organization's personnel needs by filling vacancies.
  • it enhances the company's long-term viability and profitability by enhancing the image and commitment to the community.
  • it gives the company another committed employee willing to complete the tasks assigned.
  • people with disabilities have higher retention rates and lower absenteeism.
  • diverse work groups can create better solutions to business challenges.
  • companies that hire and accommodate people with disabilities in their workplaces can receive tax credits.

For more information regarding the benefits of hiring people with disabilities call the Disability Resource Coordinator at Chautauqua Works.

Helpful Links:

Tax Incentives for Businesses

Employers and the ADA:  Myths and Facts

Employment Checklist For Hiring Persons With Disabilitie 

 Older Workers

The Chautauqua County Office for the Aging receives USDOL employment and training funding under the Senior Community Service Employment Program for individuals 55 or older, low income who are seeking employment.  The program provides paid part time work experience and training in community service agencies throughout Chautauqua County.  Enrollees are assigned to agencies such as Meals on Wheels, Adult Day Care Centers, Social Services, CARTS and many other locations throughout the county.  Veterans and their spouses are encouraged to apply.  For more information to apply for a Senior Aide position, or to inquire about other Senior Employment Opportunities, please contact Chautauqua County Office for the Aging.


New York State Department of Labor has specialized staff to help put our former military heroes to work. If you are looking for hard working, dedicated, motivated, and dependable individuals, then look no further than our former military members. For more information on hiring a Veteran, please contact Gary Thompson or Joshua Miller.

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There are several website that can help you find specific work. Click here for a list of some of the most popular ones.

Job Seach Sites

NYS Department of Labor

Search the New York State Job Bank for current openings in Chautauqua County and surrounding areas.

NYS Job Bank