Chautauqua Works is committed to helping businesses succeed and thrive in today's global marketplace. We are dedicated to supporting all types of businesses of various industries, of any size, whether it is providing assistance in starting-up, growing or remaining in Chautauqua County as it relates to workforce issues. 

There are many economic development partners that can provide support on the other aspects of business such as finances, marketing, zoning, etc. Below are just some of the partners providing such services. Depending on the community in which your business is located, there may be additional local resources to assist businesses in the area of economic development. For a referral to these services or assistance in deciding the most appropriate organization to start with, contact Katie Geise

CCIDA - County of Chautauqua Industrial Development Agency

Helps businesses secure financial assistance, provides business advocacy services, and develops both infrastructure and industrial parks- all of which enhance the county's economic picture. For more information, contact CCIDA at (716) 661-8900.

CODI - Chautauqua Opportunities for Development, Inc.

Provides lending, consulting, and training services to local businesses. Through the lending program, CODI offers secured loans ranging from $1,000 to $50,000 and can be used for most business related purposes including the purchase of equipment, inventory, and real estate, as well as working capital and refinancing.  For more information, contact (716) 661-9430 in Jamestown or (716) 366-8176 in Dunkirk.

ESD - Empire State Development

Provides technical and financial assistance to businesses that wish to start-up, relocate, expand, and retain/enlarge workforce in NYS. For more information, contact ESD at (716) 856-8123.

MAST - Manufacturing Association of the Southern Tier

Works with government and various organizations to define and address the economic development needs of the manufacturing community. MAST is a strong advocate for the needs of manufacturers whether it is workforce development needs, environmental issues, infrastructure development, workers compensation, health care cost containment, or tax relief. For more information, contact Todd Tranum.

SBDC - Small Business Development Center

Through direct one-on-one counseling with a professional advisor, the SBDC provides a range of management and technical assistance services.  A sampling of these services includes business plan development, accounting, marketing, small business start-ups, financial planning, training programs, loan information assistance, and market research. For more information, contact Courtney Curatolo.

Opportunities for Your Business

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