You won't want to miss the discussion on IMPROVING WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT FOR YOU!

Manufacturing & Tech Workforce Ecosystem Development Program is designed to:

  • Build and enhance the talent pipeline by providing targeted outreach to businesses
  • Assess what skill gaps exist in the workforce currently
  • Collaborate with training providers to place participants in training that is already offered or assist with creating training that is in demand
  • Recruit Job Seekers for these industry driven training programs in the Manufacturing & Technology Sectors
  • Provide supportive assistance and wrap around services to participants which will allow them to successfully complete training programs and obtain employment

Click here for more information.

We want to help your business prepare for the future and boost our community's economy.  Please join us as we tackle these issues together.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Southern Chautauqua Federal Credit Union Training Center

110 Mall Blvd

Lakewood, NY  14750


8:30 - 9:00        Registration & Light Refreshments

9:00 - 10:00      Discussion

10:00 - 10:30    Questions/Answers

To reserve your seat, Call or email:

Kimberly Olson, Manufacturing & Tech Workforce Ecosystem Developer

716-397-5903 or Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Workforce Investment Board and

Chautauqua County


Chautauqua Advancement Project (CAP)

An Internship Program for Young Professionals

This unique and innovative program will support a group of young professionals to be placed in paid internships at businesses located in Chautauqua County for 6-16 weeks depending on the Intern and worksite availability. The placement at a business will be largely determined by the Intern’s long-term career goals.  The Internship Program is scheduled to start on or about the first week of June.

Internships and Learning

Each CAP intern will work a typical workday Monday – Friday at an assigned business or as needed by the host organization.  On some Fridays scheduled in advance, the interns will participate in a mandatory paid joint-learning day that will involve a variety of activities.  Staffed by the WIB, interns will complete leadership and teamwork skill building activities.  Interns will be exposed to asset discovery opportunities around the community. Interns may work on community projects.  Some additional time beyond the Monday – Friday work week may be required on weekends and evenings to complete community projects and networking opportunities.


To be eligible for this internship, you must meet one of the following criteria:

·         A recent college or certificate training program graduate

·         Will be graduating from college or a certificate training program this year

·         A current college or certificate training program student

AND are interested in living and working in the Chautauqua County, NY area. 

The Workforce Investment Board and Chautauqua County are interested in young professionals to fill these internships. 

Application (click here to download application)

By filling out this application and submitting a resume, you may be selected to complete an intense interview process to determine if you are the right person to fill one of the openings. This includes an initial interview with the Workforce Investment Board staff and may include a second interview with the host organization staff.

You may email this application and resume to Katie Geise at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please put the following in the subject line:  2024-20245 CAP Application

or submit to the following address:       Workforce Investment Board

                                                                c/o Katie Geise

                                                                4 E. 3rd St., Suite 102

                                                                Jamestown, NY 14701

Chautauqua Works Youth Employment Program (YEP) is gearing up for 2024/2025 Program.

The Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) has provided local workforce development areas funding to establish a Youth Employment Program (YEP).  YEP is an important platform which is intended to help reduce community gun violence and youth criminal justice involvement by providing year-round employment opportunities.  These funds will support the establishment of a program which includes employment, education and/or career exploration opportunities for TANF-eligible youth from low-income households.  This funding is further intended to support employment programs for youth at risk of gun violence as part of a statewide gun-violence reduction intervention model.

Chautauqua Works will connect eligible Chautauqua County youth ages 14-20 with entry-level jobs in a variety of industries, including government agencies, hospitals, camps, non-profits, small businesses, museums and retail organizations for a duration of 20 weeks.  At the conclusion of the 20 weeks, the employer will have the option to hire the youth, the youth may secure their own employment, or staff will assist with job search or career exploration activities. 

To be eligible for the Youth Employment Program, youth must:

  • Reside in Chautauqua County
  • Be between 14-20 years of age
  • Meet income eligibility guidelines listed below:

You are eligible if your family receives Medicaid, SNAP Benefits, Family Assistance, SSI or HEAP.

If not, the annual household income must be at or below:                             

                        HOUSEHOLD SIZE                   YEARLY INCOME:

                                        1                                              $30,120

                                        2                                                40,880

                                        3                                                51,640

                                        4                                                62,400

                                        5                                                73,160

                                        6                                                83,920

                                        7                                                94,680

                                        8                                                105,440

For family units with more than eight members add $10,760 annually for each additional family member.

To apply for the Youth Employment Program: 

  • Pick up an Eligibility Packet at either one of the Chautauqua Works locations at:

4 E. 3rd Street                     OR                          407 Central Avenue

Jamestown, NY 14701                                     Dunkirk, NY  14048

  • Call the Chautauqua Works office at 716-661-9553 and request an Eligibility Packet.
  • Click here to download an Eligibility Packet.  

The individual will be asked to return the completed Eligibility Packet back to Chautauqua Works.  Eligibility packets will be available on or about September 16, 2024.  Completed Eligibility Packets will be reviewed for eligibility in the Youth Employment Program.  You will be notified if you qualify for enrollment into the program.

“Chautauqua Works looks forward to conducting this program, which is similar to our Summer Youth Employment Program”, states Kathleen Geise, Executive Director, “and looks forward to working with and helping the Youth of Chautauqua County build their work readiness skills and obtain and retain employment”.

For additional information, please contact Megan Hall, Coordinataor at (716) 487-5193.

You may also contact:

                                            Heidi Bogue, Retention Specialist - Jamestown

                                            Amanda Siliano, Retention Specialist - Jamestown


                                            Jordan Kujawa, Retention Specialist - Dunkirk

Find a Job

American Job Exchange

Job seekers can not only search thousands of job postings, they can also access a comprehensive set of career management tools plus job alerts for relevant opportunities.

Search now

Other websites

There are several website that can help you find specific work. Click here for a list of some of the most popular ones.

Job Seach Sites

NYS Department of Labor

Search the New York State Job Bank for current openings in Chautauqua County and surrounding areas.

NYS Job Bank