The Chautauqua County Workforce Development Board (WDB)/WIB Inc. dba Chautauqua Works (WIB/WDB) is requesting proposals to operate WIOA Title I Services and manage two comprehensive One-Stop Career Centers effective July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026 with the option to extend the contract for three years, based on performance and funding availability.
The WDB/WIB, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation, oversees the design and delivery of Chautauqua County’s locally tailored workforce development system. Customer services are delivered through the One-Stop Career Centers as the entry to the county’s seamless employment support system that offers training, education and employment programs designed to meet the needs and demands of the local and regional labor market.
RSVP for Bidder’s Conference by: March 21, 2025 To This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mandatory Bidder’s Conference March 26, 2025 Via Zoom, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Questions & Answer Period Ends March 27, 2025
RFP Due Date April 14, 2025 (postmarked and electronic copy e-mailed
Target Contract Start Date July 1, 2025
Click here for a complete RFP Package.
Chautauqua Works and the Workforce Investment/Development Board, along with partners County of Chautauqua Industrial Development Agency (CCIDA), Prevention Works, Chautauqua County Health Department, and Family Service of the Chautauqua Region will be hosting a Business Seminar for local employers, entitled Marijuana in the Workplace: “High” Concerns for N.Y. Employers.
This seminar will cover Medical marijuana – NY Compassionate Care Act of 2014; Recreational marijuana-NY Marijuana Regulation & Taxation Act of 2021; Federal laws to consider: Drug Free Workplace Act, U.S.D.O.T. requirements, Americans with Disabilities Act; Legal issues related to drug testing; What is the NY Office of Cannabis Management?; and Employer best practices.
Daniel P. Forsyth, Esq. with Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC will be the presenter. Daniel is a Labor and Employment Law attorney. He represents employers in National Labor Relations Board proceedings including unfair labor practice charges and over 25 union organizing campaigns. He has extensive experience in labor arbitration, collective bargaining, jurisdictional disputes, strikes, picketing and injunction proceedings. Daniel regularly appears before various federal and state agencies. He practices at all levels of state and federal courts in litigation involving employment discrimination, wrongful discharge, restrictive covenants, motions to stay arbitration, duty of fair representation and injunctions, and advises clients on all areas of federal and New York employment law. Daniel has been listed in The Best Lawyers in America for 25 consecutive years. By this publication, he was recently named Buffalo’s best attorney for: Litigation-Labor & Employment (2016), Labor Law-Management (2015 & 2025) and Employment Law-Management (2014). State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law (J.D., 1981), Cornell University (M. Ind. & Labor Rel., 1978), and Dartmouth College (B.A., cum laude, 1976).
“We are very honored to have Dan present these seminars for the local employers in Chautauqua County and the region. We have worked with Dan since 2014; he has presented programs yearly since then. They are invaluable. A program of this kind is a great example of the workforce partners teaming together and investing in local employers” said Katie Geise, WIB Executive Director. “We look forward to continuing this relationship and offering future programs.”
The seminar will be presented on Thursday, March 20, 2025 at Chautauqua Harbor Hotel, 10 Dunham Avenue, Celoron, NY 14720. Pre-registration is required. The cost is $30 per person and includes a buffet lunch. Registration and lunch will begin at 12:00 pm. The program will begin at 12:30 pm and go through 3:00 pm.
If you would like to attend this Business Seminar, plese print and complete the registration form, and return it as instructed by March 14, 2025.
For more information, or if you would like to request a registration form, email or call Jody Cheney at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (716) 487-5171.
Chautauqua Works Youth Employment Program (YEP) is gearing up for 2024/2025 Program.
The Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) has provided local workforce development areas funding to establish a Youth Employment Program (YEP). YEP is an important platform which is intended to help reduce community gun violence and youth criminal justice involvement by providing year-round employment opportunities. These funds will support the establishment of a program which includes employment, education and/or career exploration opportunities for TANF-eligible youth from low-income households. This funding is further intended to support employment programs for youth at risk of gun violence as part of a statewide gun-violence reduction intervention model.
Chautauqua Works will connect eligible Chautauqua County youth ages 14-20 with entry-level jobs in a variety of industries, including government agencies, hospitals, camps, non-profits, small businesses, museums and retail organizations for a duration of 20 weeks. At the conclusion of the 20 weeks, the employer will have the option to hire the youth, the youth may secure their own employment, or staff will assist with job search or career exploration activities.
To be eligible for the Youth Employment Program, youth must:
You are eligible if your family receives Medicaid, SNAP Benefits, Family Assistance, SSI or HEAP.
If not, the annual household income must be at or below:
1 $30,120
2 40,880
3 51,640
4 62,400
5 73,160
6 83,920
7 94,680
8 105,440
For family units with more than eight members add $10,760 annually for each additional family member.
To apply for the Youth Employment Program:
4 E. 3rd Street OR 407 Central Avenue
Jamestown, NY 14701 Dunkirk, NY 14048
The individual will be asked to return the completed Eligibility Packet back to Chautauqua Works. Eligibility packets will be available on or about September 16, 2024. Completed Eligibility Packets will be reviewed for eligibility in the Youth Employment Program. You will be notified if you qualify for enrollment into the program.
“Chautauqua Works looks forward to conducting this program, which is similar to our Summer Youth Employment Program”, states Kathleen Geise, Executive Director, “and looks forward to working with and helping the Youth of Chautauqua County build their work readiness skills and obtain and retain employment”.
For additional information, please contact Megan Hall, Coordinataor at (716) 487-5193.
You may also contact:
Heidi Bogue, Retention Specialist - Jamestown
Amanda Siliano, Retention Specialist - Jamestown
Jordan Kujawa, Retention Specialist - Dunkirk
This unique and innovative program will support a group of young professionals to be placed in paid internships at businesses located in Chautauqua County for 6-16 weeks depending on the Intern and worksite availability. The placement at a business will be largely determined by the Intern’s long-term career goals. The Internship Program is scheduled to start on or about the first week of June.
Internships and Learning
Each CAP intern will work a typical workday Monday – Friday at an assigned business or as needed by the host organization. On some Fridays scheduled in advance, the interns will participate in a mandatory paid joint-learning day that will involve a variety of activities. Staffed by the WIB, interns will complete leadership and teamwork skill building activities. Interns will be exposed to asset discovery opportunities around the community. Interns may work on community projects. Some additional time beyond the Monday – Friday work week may be required on weekends and evenings to complete community projects and networking opportunities.
To be eligible for this internship, you must meet one of the following criteria:
· A recent college or certificate training program graduate
· Will be graduating from college or a certificate training program this year
· A current college or certificate training program student
AND are interested in living and working in the Chautauqua County, NY area.
The Workforce Investment Board and Chautauqua County are interested in young professionals to fill these internships.
Application (click here to download application)
By filling out this application and submitting a resume, you may be selected to complete an intense interview process to determine if you are the right person to fill one of the openings. This includes an initial interview with the Workforce Investment Board staff and may include a second interview with the host organization staff.
You may email this application and resume to Katie Geise at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please put the following in the subject line: 2024-20245 CAP Application
or submit to the following address: Workforce Investment Board
c/o Katie Geise
4 E. 3rd St., Suite 102
Jamestown, NY 14701
Monday through Friday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM