If you are a resident of Chautauqua County between the ages of 16-24 and are not in school and have one or more of the following barriers, and can answer YES to at least one question from the section below, you may be eligible to participate in the WIOA Youth & Young Adult Program at Chautauqua Works. Please take a moment to consider the following questions.
SECTION A - Barrier Assessment
Have you dropped out of high school?
Are you a parent or are you pregnant?
Are you homeless or have you run away from home?
Are you a foster child?
Do you have a learning, physical, or other disability?
- Do you have a mental health diagnosis?
Are you an offender of the law?
Are you currently or have you been on probation in the past?
Are you basic skills deficient (and receive public assistance) or an English Language Learner?
If you have checked at least one item from Section A and you want to work with a Youth Navigator, please contact our office to schedule an appointment for a complete assessment. It would be beneficial for you to print out the following documents and complete them to the best of your ability prior to your appointment with the Youth Navigator.
Youth Intake Form
ES100 (Complete this form if you are not already registered with NYSDOL)
Also, please bring the following documentation with you to your first appointment:
- Social Security Card
- Driver's License or Permit, or other Photo Identification, or Birth Certificate
- Working Papers, if you are under 18
- Proof of Public Assistance/Food Stamps (if applicable)